Keeping a facility organized is critical to how successful a company’s operations will ultimately be. Zoma DC offers a variety of customizable solutions to keep inventory, equipment, and personal items secure and safe. Please contact us today to see how to maximize your space and provide the best design for your business.

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Wire Partitions

Wire Partitions are generally used to separate and secure either Items or work areas from the rest of a facility. They are a modular product that can be reconfigured to adapt to an operations changing needs, making for a much more effective solution when compared to Standard chain-link fencing. Wire Partitions can be designed for a wide range of access control or DEA requirements.

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Rack Enclosures

Rack Enclosures offer a space saving solution to keeping items secure or quarantined within an existing pallet rack system They can be designed for both swinging or sliding doors depending on the application.

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Employee Lockers

Employee lockers provide a secure and centralized location for personal storage. Lockers can be designed in various sizes and configurations to meet the specific needs of an organization. They are currently available in steel, plastic or wood framing.


Technician Lockers

Technician Lockers allow for drivers/technicians to enter the facility in a controlled environment and have all of their parts sorted and waiting in their designated lockers.


Tenant Lockers

Tenant storage lockers are an ideal way to secure residents personal items in building common storage areas. The storage lockers add efficiency and organization to cluttered or unused storage space.

Server Cages

Wire partition system can be used to economically separate and secure customer specific server or network equipment. The open but secure design allows free circulation of light, HVAC, and fire suppression systems throughout the secured server storage areas, and can be configured for any room constraints or code compliance.